Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • 1What is the minimum order quantity?

    Minimum order quantity of products that are in stock is one bale of farbic or sheet of fabric(weighs around 15kg).

  • 2What is the minimum order quantity of product that is not available?

    Minumum order quantity ranges from 60 to 150 kg of product in one color based on type of assortment. Less quantities cost extra.

  • 3How many colors are available?

    We have an available card of colors to choose from knitwear made from colored yarn. In case of dyed knitwear, colors are made to match customers needs basing on type of color sample or Pantone color number.

  • 4Can you send me fabric samples and offer?

    Yes - it is available. Because of wide range of products, please write some details about which samples you are interested in.

  • 5Do you send ordered products?

    Yes. Ordered products can be shipped to you. Shipping costs have to be paid by buyer

  • 6Can you deliver ordered products yourself?

    Yes. We can deliver ordered products if destination is located in Łódź city.

Knitting Company "PIK"

32 Proletariacka street
93-569 Lodz, Poland


Phone/fax: +48 42 683 15 93

NIP 725-10-07-517
Do you have a queastion? Check the FAQ section before you send us a message!